Sunday, September 19, 2010

One Story

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

How many times have I read that saying or heard it in movies? I'm not sure that my heart could grow much fonder of my husband really. It already swells with love, pride, gratefulness and fondness. I do believe that in his absence over the next few days, my heart is reminded of why I married him. Why I want to spend the rest of my life studying him, learning what makes him laugh and smile and making memories with him.

I know with complete certainty that not only do I rely on his friendship and love everyday but I also probably take them for granted at times. It is too easy to fall into a routine and forget how much fun love can be. Work, laundry, diapers, naps, dinner, etc. The "stuff" that makes up our days does not have to define our lives.

I want my life to be defined by how greatly I love. Love my husband. Love my daughter. Love my family and friends. I want my heart to swell and out of it overflow words of encouragement, wisdom and understanding. I want to take a step back and put all of life's stuff aside and run, jump, and play - simply enjoying this life I have be given to live and then live it to the fullest.

The visions are almost overwhelming when thinking about life ahead, dreaming up adventures and living them out with my wonderful husband. There is so much to look forward to and I am completely blessed in knowing that I have a life long partner who desires to make our life stories one.

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