Tuesday, February 28, 2012

No, Both Hands Momma!

Do you remember the old TV show Bill Cosby hosted with the kids?  I think it was called Kids Say the Darndest Things.  It was hilarious.  The kids were quick witted and funny.  I always enjoyed hearing their responses and watching Bill Cosby play along.

I feel like I could supply a steady stream of clips from our lives.  Not so much because I'm laughing so hard at what Laura has to say, but because she can really blow me away sometimes with her responses. 

Each day after school I ask her the standard questions...how was your day?....did you have fun?  She has quickly learned the quick and short answers to these questions, so I also ask more specific questions in hopes of getting to the "good stuff".  Who did you play with?  Did you go outside?  What did you eat for lunch?  What was your bible story about?  Today, her answer to this last question was the best.

"Praise the Lord!" Wait, what...did I hear her right? "Praise the Lord momma and raise your hand."  Like this? "No, both hands momma." Oh! Yes!  Praise the Lord Laura.  Then she proceeded to tell me how during bible story time they talked about Solomon and how he praised the Lord.

Highlight for the day - For a few beautiful moments at a red light on Westgate Laura and I held our hands up together and Praised our Lord.  This was the first time I've worshiped with my daughter.  I look forward to many more moments like this!

Another time during the day when I really don't know what Laura might say is during her prayers at night.  After reading I always ask her who she wants to pray for.  Lately it's been all about animals.  This is probably a product of all of our outings that have involved animals, plus her personal love of animals.  Tonight in addition to praying for the animals we prayed for three special people - May, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mitch.  These were the only people that were named tonight.  Her prayer went something like this. "And pray for May. Have a good day in Eew York.  And Amanda and Mitch have a good day in Eew York too."  Sweetness.

1 comment:

  1. That just brought tears to my eyes! Love that sweet little girl!
