Friday, February 17, 2012

"Well, that's Grandad for ya."

If you run in our close circles, then I'm sure you've heard by now that Grant's grandfather passed away this week.  He was 92 years old and had been married for 70 years.  How awesome!  I hope Grant and I get 70 years together.  Let's see that would make Grant 100 years old when we hit 3/3/77 and our 70th anniversary.  So, glad he has good genes.

Throughout the day yesterday we went through boxes and boxes of pictures for the funeral home to put together a video.  They needed 40 pictures.  Do you know how hard it is to pick only 40 when you have lived such a full and rich life?

With the pictures came lots of stories.  Here is my favorite story of Grandad.

When Grant and I were dating we spent Christmas at his grandparents house with all the Faulks - I am truly blessed to marry into such a wonderful family.  And as is customary in my own family, when you leave the house you hug everyone's neck.  I followed behind Grant and made the rounds hugging necks of people I had just met and they hugged me like I was already family.  Towards the end we got to Grandad.  And he went straight in for a kiss on the lips!  Leaving the party, I looked at Grant and said, "Your Grandad just kissed me on the lips!"  I can still hear Grant's laughter.  And he said, "Well, that's Grandad for ya."

I learned pretty quick that the bob-and-weave tactic won't throw him; he's going to get that kiss!  And I will never forget that first kiss from Grandad.  That Christmas he welcomed me into his family with open arms and a loving kiss.  He was a man with a big heart.  And I'm very thankful for him and the family he raised over his lifetime.

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