Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting Out of Debt

Grant and I are fired up about getting out of debt! We went through Dave Ramsey's class last fall. And after many months on a budget we are starting to really chip away at our debt.

Personally I love the big balloon payments that are made at the end of the month. I get so excited that I check the loan website multiple times a day to see the check clear and how much is left. Perhaps a little overkill I know, but I really love seeing that balance dwindle down. It fires me up to try and pay off even more the next month.

Getting ready to finalize the June budget I decided to take the budget to a new level - cash envelopes. Dave says to get rid of all your credit cards. Well, we haven't done that. But we do keep a zero balance on our AMX and basically use our debit card for everything else. But its too easy to just swipe it. I know that there is money in the account to pay for my next purchase without consulting the budget and the month's plan - and its money that's already allotted for something else. So, I'm going to start using cash for my grocery shopping. I thought I would start with just one category and see how it goes first. Sometimes its better to ease into things.

I'll have a certain amount in my purse and that's it. I'll need to take a calculator in the store with me, but its so worth it to be that nerd in the grocery aisle tabulating your total! Because this nerd is going to get out of debt.

Can you imagine the freedom??

"Live like no one else, so later on you can live like no one else."

Love Dave Ramsey.


  1. It's SUCH a good feeling! I really got on my debt last summer - and I totally know what you mean. It's like BOOM POW watch that number fall!

  2. Exciting! Good for you and Grant! We're plugging along too!
