Monday, May 17, 2010

Headed back to VA

We are headed back to the beautiful Lex Vegas this week and I am super excited!! The last time we were there was just after we got married, so three years ago!

The main highlight of the trip is in Charlottesville (just down the road from Lexington). Mitch is graduating from UVA law. Go Mitch! He and Amanda are then moving to NYC this fall. Another great place to go visit.

Grant and I decided that we couldn't go to UVA, just an hour away, and not visit Lex.

This will be LB's first visit. And what a perfect time to go! The spring was one of my favorite times in school. Usually just one class for six weeks with perfect weather - some of my favorite memories are from those spring terms.

Spring term my senior year Brittany (my freshman year roommate and best friend) and I made a list of all the things we had never done but wanted to do before our 4 years were up. It was a great list. We visited Natural Bridge, taking a picnic lunch with us, only to get to the bottom of it and say - that's it?? We went on a safari - pretty amazing to have a safari only a few minutes from campus! It was maybe the highlight from the list. You drive through this farm basically and you can buy a bucket of food to feed the animals from your car. I drove and Brittany had the food. Well, along comes a zebra. And these animals are very people friendly and know what you have in the bucket. First, Brittany feeds a little out of her hand, but the zebra was hungry. So, she gives it some more. Still not enough. Before we know it the zebra's entire head is in the car going after the bucket of food. I was laughing so hard I couldn't do anything to help out poor Brittany. After that we rolled up our windows!

But quite possibly the best time Spring term that year was every Friday night we had dinner at my apartment. There were six regulars - Anne, Brittany, Marie, Leila, Kristine and myself - and off and on we had some guests, but always the six of us. We always cooked a new recipe. We may have gone out afterwards or ended up at the Palms across the street. But it didn't matter what the plans were later on that night, everyone started out together for dinner and a great time. Each of these girls were in my wedding. Their hometowns span from just up the road from Lex in Staunton to DC, Philadelphia and Indianapolis and Buenos Aires. These girls are amazing and such a blessing in my life.

I know being back in Lexington this week will bring back so many of these great memories. I look forward to each and every one of them.

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