Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Promise

"I promise to never speak to you like that."

I made that promise to Laura not once, but twice today while in the grocery store.

I admit that I prefer to go to the grocery store on the weekend so that Grant can keep Laura. I can take my time. Make my list. Go through my coupons. Walk up and down each isle and then circle back for the one thing I missed. But that doesn't always happen.

And yes, it was late in the afternoon. I'm sure the mothers were tired from a full day of work or keeping up with the kids. It was getting close to dinner time, so I'm sure they were running to the store for those last minute items they needed to prepare dinner.

I can probably come up with a dozen more excuses of why these two moms were probably tired, irritated, and just couldn't take it any longer. But should those excuses matter?

As a mom I am entrusted with the greatest gift and responsibility that God will ever give and ask of me - to take care of Laura as He would. And it definitely has been challenging. I know I'm not perfect by any stretch, but if I can use all my strength to extend patience, understanding and forgiveness then I think everything will be a little bit easier and more peaceful for all of us.

What good can come of harsh words? And it is in the times when we are most tired, frustrated and exasperated that we must refrain from reacting without thinking.

The harsh words that I overheard from the two moms today made an impression on me that I will not forget, unfortunately neither will their kids.


  1. This is so true. Laura is a blessed girl to have you as her Mama. I enjoy reading your blog. It is interesting and very well written.
