Monday, January 3, 2011

To Do List in Chalk

I have always thrived on To Do Lists.  I love making them and I love crossing items off.

Grocery List - makes me efficient and saves money
Work List - keeps me focused on the most important task at hand
Packing List - so we don't forget our essentials
LB's list for New Years at the Lake
As a mom, sometimes I have to be resourceful.  Wanting to pack for the Lake and LB wanting to play outside ended up with my To Do List in chalk.

But it worked.


  1. I ADORE lists! That is such a great idea! You guys went to the lake?! So jealous.

  2. And it warmed up a bit while we were there so we stayed outside most of the day. It was fabulous. But I couldn't believe how low the water had gotten! Hope you had a great New Years and Christmas!
